Evaluating our lectures this session was quite stressful and for those who are still on it…started my evaluation last week immediately it was announced only to get Jammed in the servers congestion . hundreds and if not thousands of students where in the struggle. Covenant university’s dead line meant ‘Dead Line’ no African time.😃😂
I couldn’t complete my course evaluation until yesterday, and here’s what I did.😃😃😃😂😂😂
It’s was exactly 8:55 pm when God intervened. People started giving up because cause all halls are closed at exactly 9pm and if you are outside it’s till 12 am or 1 am. We needed Wifi!!!😥
Within quick seconds I completed my course evaluation of 36 questions(more or less) for each course at exactly 8:58pm.
I ran for my dear life within one minute from dorcas hall to Mary hall. It’s an epic distance to cover in one minute.
The door of my hall was being shut.😁 the frequency of speed I ran with would have caused me to run through glass. The hall officer seeing my speed, pushed the door open .I crashed at the reception slab .I was on the ground. It was heavens own speed.
Mind my exaggerations, Am just so happy.
Don’t worry,no Injuries acquired. Fell intentionally, Needed to catch my breath.