(By: Zoe O’sems & Viga Nuka)
The fight against gender discrimination is yet to reach its peak as black women in every Green Nation and their supporters have fought and are still fighting to eradicate gender discrimination.
Today, women have become aware of their own existence as individuals who have equal rights just as men do before the law. After all, rights belong to all human race.
The resent news from The Punch Nigerian News paper 📰,June 15. 2016, gave a detailed report on the struggle of a police woman who was assaulted by a false military officer in the Lagos traffic.
Witnesses said that the man allegedly beat up the female sergeant for stopping his vehicle after slightly hitting her..[read more @www.punchng.com, pg 4, June 15, 2016].
Women struggle to be heard and they will be heard!.
“people have the mindset that women are weak,fragile e.t.c . In a world were women are seen as such, it is a challenge for them to survive, women not being physically strong thrive in other aspects(spiritually,mentally for example). By reinventing ourselves, being a confident and positive survivor who has defied the odds to create our own destiny.”(Viga Nuka)
Just remember this people,
“Every man is the head of one woman (“his wife”)
And not every woman!”