9TEEN lessons before 9TEEN. Sharing thoughts for me, has become my most important way of life. You never can tell whose out there reading your words or sharing your very own thought. Now, 9-TEEN lessons before 9-TEEN!. To be nineteen is to be a step away from twenty,…
“I want to feel my life while am in it” Merly Streep Every day when I wake up, i ask myself a simple yet intense question. “What’s my evidence of living? “ My usual daily routine comes after.sometimes I might live through the day without an answer,while some other days,i’d…
👏Evaluating our lecturers📄🎓
Evaluating our lectures this session was quite stressful and for those who are still on it…started my evaluation last week immediately it was announced only to get Jammed in the servers congestion . hundreds and if not thousands of students where in the struggle. Covenant university’s dead line meant ‘Dead…
The Best Defense
“Captain! Captain!” there has been a plot against us! we’ve been ambushed!! yelled the young lieutenants. “take your weapons, hide behind the rocks now!!” “wait till your hear my whistle and your captains word, Then Attack” the commander ordered. the enemy matched into their territory and found no one. they…
Wait!! I Ain’t ready!😰
It’s Friday!Again, and we’re still wishing Friday would last forever.the weeks run fast and the weekends even faster. We’ve got little or no time to achieve all our plans.😯could this be due a solstices!! Or maybe an equinox? ??. Just dropped by to say hi😉. Remember folks,time waits for no…
The cat died! What killed it? Curiosity!
CURIOSITY Curiosity & knowledge July’s adventure CURIOUS TO DEATH The most fascinating yet dangerous character of the complex being “man”, most especially at his early age is Curiosity. CURIOSITY Curiosity also called mans inquisitiveness which arouses his interest to explore has always been and still remains the proof of…
Uncomfortable for Christ
Often I agree…I think…with the premise that we are all God’s children and thus all worthy of the care and consideration of our fellow human beings. This morning our Director of F… Source: Uncomfortable for Christ
On Rainy Sundays ☀
“ The struggle to attend the morning service was prolonged, as the rain fought for dominance. Yet, it stopped immediately the service began” I complained to a fellow passenger in the bus. 4am sharp, I was out of bed. Gave thanks for the day and began to prepare for…
A woman’s determination to survive👩
(By: Zoe O’sems & Viga Nuka) The fight against gender discrimination is yet to reach its peak as black women in every Green Nation and their supporters have fought and are still fighting to eradicate gender discrimination. Today, women have become aware of their own existence as individuals who have…
👈what makes you👉
…its not what goes into you that makes you but what comes out of you.. #anonymous👨 “Really???” I once attended an open seminar, where a topic such the above title was discussed. Just then, a speaker whom I’ve tagged Anonymous, stood up and made a questionable comment. He said “its…