Curiosity & knowledge
July’s adventure
The most fascinating yet dangerous character of the complex being “man”, most especially at his early age is Curiosity.
Curiosity also called mans inquisitiveness which arouses his interest to explore has always been and still remains the proof of man’s advancement.
Though, it was once said that
“Curiosity is the mother of knowledge”
A major fact states that not all knowledge is profitable.
The cat died! What then killed the cat? Curiosity? Or the knowledge derived from it?
Curiosity caused man to discover a whole New World beyond the earth. It caused him to walk on the moon and deduce the composition or constituents of the ☀ sun ,★ stars and the Galaxy.
Yes,the cat died! And just like the cat, man dies out of curiosity😏, but he’s first hand murderer wasn’t curiosity but the Knowledge he got out of he’s own curiosity.
Don’t blame curiosity, blame the type or kind of knowledge you’ve got out of your own curiousness.
After all, what caused mans downfall in Ancient times wasn’t curiosity but, the knowledge they got from the wrong source about the Forbidden tree centered at Eden.
Be curious, yet wise and careful. For not all knowledge is profitable.